
Faculty of Medicine, President Univ, Holds Health Talk on Managing Office Syndrome

On Monday, August 26, 2024, the Faculty of Medicine at President University (Presuniv) held a health talk discussing the Management of Office Syndrome in the Workplace. The health talk, held at Grand Zuri Hotel, Jl. Niaga Raya, Jababeka Industrial Estate, Cikarang, featured two speakers: Dr. Ardini Saptaningsih Raksanagara, dr., MPH, and dr. Rima Melati, MKK, Sp.Ak (K), Sp.Ok, Subsp Bio.KO (K). Ardini is a lecturer in the Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, and also the Coordinator for Environmental Health and Occupational Health Specialization at the same university. Meanwhile, Rima Melati is a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Presuniv, and also the Chairperson of Commission I of the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health.

During the health talk, which was attended by various company representatives from Jababeka Industrial Estate and its surroundings, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Presuniv, Prof. Dr. Budi Setiabudiawan, Sp.A (K), M.Kes., emphasized that the faculty will focus on occupational health issues. Why? “Because the Faculty of Medicine, Presuniv, is located in the largest industrial estate in Southeast Asia, Jababeka. So, the ecosystem related to occupational health is already in place. And, occupational health issues will become a strength of the Faculty of Medicine, Presuniv,” he stated.

In her presentation, Ardini explained that the syndrome is a collection of symptoms caused by poor posture and non-ergonomic work habits. Why do these symptoms occur? Ardini elaborated, “There are several causes. For example, sitting for too long duration, using non-ergonomic desks and chairs, prolonged computer use, lack of rest, and unhealthy work habits, such as incorrect typing techniques or improper screen positioning.”

Such habits, Ardini continued, will lead to several issues in both the short and long term. “In the short term, muscle pain, visual fatigue, and loss of work concentration will occur,” she said. In the long term, Ardini explained, it will cause postural disorders, chronic pain, stress, and mental health issues.

Meanwhile, Rima discussed the economic costs associated with office syndrome. “There are direct and indirect costs. Direct costs, for instance, may increase medical expenses by 20%-30%. Indirectly, worker productivity may decrease by 15%-20%, and absenteeism could average 5-10 days per year,” Rima explained. She then cited a study from the United States, which indicated that direct costs could reach US$20 billion per year, with indirect costs being even higher, at US$100 billion per year.

Rima continued, in the European Union, 40%-50% of various disease cases are related to the workplace. “The losses caused by these diseases are estimated to reach 2%-3% of the Gross Domestic Product in the European Union,” she explained. Thus, Rima concluded, “Office syndrome is a real challenge in the modern workplace that affects worker health and productivity. Therefore, it is crucial to take preventive measures before it occurs.” (JB Susetiyo, PR team. Photo: JB Susetiyo).

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