
Celebrating Its First Anniversary, President Univ’s Faculty of Medicine Holds Healthy Toddler Competition, Games, and Seminar

On Sunday, August 25, 2024, the Faculty of Medicine at President University (Presuniv) held a Healthy Toddler Competition at its campus located on Jalan Taman Golf Timur 1 No. 100, Kota Jababeka, Cikarang. This event was a part of the Faculty’s community service initiative and also served as a practical learning opportunity for the medical students.

The competition saw the participation of over 100 children aged between 6 months and 8 years, accompanied by their parents. Each child underwent individual health checks conducted by the students, allowing the students to gain experience in interacting directly with parents and their children.

In addition to the health checks for the children, parents had the opportunity to attend a child health seminar presented by Prof. Dr. dr. Budi Setiabudiawan, Sp.A(K), M.Kes., and Dr. Ely Yulian Sp.A. M.Kes. Prof. Budi emphasized the importance of ensuring that all the needs of pregnant women are met during pregnancy. He further stressed the importance of maintaining the health of potential mothers from a young age. “If not, there will be many risks that both the mother and child might face,” he warned.

Dr. Ely explained that caring for a newborn requires equal, if not more, attention. “It’s not just about fulfilling their nutritional needs, but other health requirements as well. For example, their vaccinations need to be carefully monitored,” Ely explained.

During the session, Prof. Budi and Dr. Ely also discussed various other essential topics for parents, such as the impact of vitamin deficiencies on women and pregnant mothers, and common issues faced by parents, along with solutions. The event also featured light competitions involving both parents and their children, adding a fun and engaging element to the day’s activities. (Graciella V, PR team. Photos: Graciella V).

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