Graduate Profile

Graduates of the President University Faculty of Medicine are doctors who possess a solid foundation in scientific knowledge, basic clinical skills, and professionalism within the context of health issues. They are devoted to God Almighty, uphold high moral values, medical ethics, and humanism, and are capable of self-development through lifelong learning.


  • Possess a scientific foundation for managing health issues of individuals, families, and communities comprehensively, holistically, and sustainably within primary health care settings.
  • Apply fundamental principles of biomedical science, clinical science, and epidemiology in addressing health problems.
  • Acquire basic medical skills applicable across various primary health care facilities.
  • Uphold moral values, medical ethics, and humanism in providing health services to the community.
  • Understand and practice effective communication aspects with patients, families, communities, and other health professionals.
  • Enhance graduates' ability to access, critically evaluate, and manage medical and health information, supporting lifelong learning.
  • Conduct medical and health research.
  • Have knowledge of the integration between education, research, and service within a health system.


The Faculty of Medicine at President University implements a competency-based curriculum using the SPICES strategy (Student-centered, Problem-based, Integrative, Community-based, Elective, Systematic). This learning strategy provides students with broader opportunities and space to develop their cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills, essential for becoming a professional doctor.

Curriculum Map

Curriculum of the Medical Program (Bachelor's Program) 7 Semesters Batch 2024
SemesterBlock or SubjectsCreditsDuration
1Blok 1.1 The President & 6Cs of Education2
3 weeks
Medical Skill Program 1.10.4
Blok 1.2 Global Health and Green Productivity2
Medical Skill Program 1.20.4
Blok 1.3. Genetics and OMICS3
Medical Skill Program 1.30.4
Blok 1.4. Life Process and Dynamics3
Medical Skill Program 1.40.4
Blok 1.5. Comprehensive Musculoskeletal System6
Medical Skill Program 1.50.4
Survival English0
2Blok 1.6. Comprehensive Cardiovascular System6
Medical Skill Program 1.61
Blok 1.7. Comprehensive Respiratory System6
Medical Skill Program 1.71
Blok 1.8. Innovation & Student Creativity23 weeks

Bioethics and Humanities2
Survival English0
TOTAL Credits at 2nd SEMESTER
3Blok 2.1. Comprehensive Hematoimmunology System5
Medical Skill Program 2.11
Blok 2.2. Comprehensive Neurobehavior System6
Medical Skill Program 2.21
Blok 2.3. Comprehensive Special Sense System5
Medical Skill Program 2.31
Bahasa Indonesia3
Survival English0
TOTAL Credits at 3rd SEMESTER
4Blok 2.4. Comprehensive Dermatovenereology3
Medical Skill Program 2.41
Blok 2.5. Comprehensive Endocrinology system5
Medical Skill Program 2.51
Blok 2.6. Comprehensive Metabolic System and Nutrition5
Medical Skill Program 2.61
Blok 2.7 Elective Year-223 weeks
Academic Writing and Critical Appraisal3
Survival English0
TOTAL Credits at 4th SEMESTER
5Blok 3.1. Comprehensive Gastrointestinal System6
Medical Skill Program 3.11
Blok 3.2. Comprehensive Genitourinary System5
Medical Skill Program 3.21
Blok 3.3 Comprehensive Reproduction System6
Medical Skill Program 3.31
Comprehensive Research Tittle2
Survival English0
TOTAL Credits at 5th SEMESTER22
6Blok 3.4. Tropical Medicine and Infection3
Medical Skill Program 3.41
Blok 3.5. Age-related Complaints3
Medical Skill Program 3.51
Blok 3.6. Comprehensive Multisystem Complaints3
Medical Skill Program 3.61
Blok 3.7. Health System in Primary Care and Basic Medical Practice3
Medical Skill Program 3.71
Blok 3.8. Elective Year-323 weeks
Research Results Seminar3
Survival English0
TOTAL Credits at 6th SEMESTER21
7Blok 4.1. Occupational Health in Primary Care45 weeks
Medical Skill Program 4.125 weeks
Blok 4.2. Emergency and Disaster45 weeks
Medical Skill Program 4.225 weeks
Blok 4.3. Elective in Health Allied Sciences65 weeks
Thesis Defense3
Health Sciences Academic Writing2

Survival English

TOTAL Credits at 7th SEMESTER

TOTAL Credits of Medical Bachelor Study Program

  1. Manage common health problems of individuals, families, and communities in a comprehensive, holistic, and continuous manner in primary healthcare settings.
  2. Apply basic principles of biomedical, clinical, and behavioral sciences, as well as epidemiology, in medical practice.
  3. Perform basic clinical examinations in various primary healthcare facilities.
  4. Communicate effectively with patients, families, communities, and other healthcare professionals.
  5. Be a professional who upholds ethical, moral, and religious values.
  6. Access, critically review, and manage medical and health information to maintain lifelong learning abilities.
  7. Conduct medical/health research to enhance their professional duties.
  8. Be a self-aware, self-sustaining professional capable of maintaining and developing their profession independently

To achieve the objectives of the Professional Medical Education Program (PMEP), the education is implemented using competency-based training methods, which encompass clinical competencies and public health management. The primary educational site is RSUD Kabupaten Bekasi, serving as the main educational center, complemented by several affiliated hospitals and community health centers in the Jababeka Industrial Area. The program applies fundamental principles of biomedical science, clinical science, behavioral science, and epidemiology in medical practice.

MED 903 : Internal MedicineMED 910 : Psychiatry
MED 902 : Obstetrics & GynecologyMED 911 : Neurology
MED 903 : Pediatrics
MED 912 : Anesthesiology
MED 904 : Surgery
MED 913 : Forensic Medicine
MED 905 : Orthopedic Surgery & Emergency Medicine
MED 914 : Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
MED 906 : Ophthalmology
MED 981 : Public Health
MED 907 : Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
MED 982 : Occupational Medicine
MED 908 : Radiology
MED 909 : Dermatology and Venereology

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